
Jody Haynes

Personal Profile on Cycad
Research, Education & Conservation

Jody Haynes CV



  • Ph.D. program, 1994-1996, Biological Sciences, Florida International University -- primary interest: molecular evolutionary genetics

  • Ph.D. program, 1992-1994, Biological Sciences, Mississippi State University -- transferred to Florida International University

  • Master of Science, 1992, Biological Sciences, University of New Orleans

  • Bachelor of Science, 1989, Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln



  • Co-author of two new species described from Honduras (2008) and three new species described from Panama (2008)

  • Field expedition experience in Florida (Zamia floridana) and Mesoamerica: Honduras (2003 & 2005), Panama (2004-2008) & Mexico (2005)

  • IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group: participated in conservation projects (2003-present) (http://www.cycagsg.org)

  • IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group - Invasive Pests Subgroup: accumulated information on and control recommendations for Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi, an invasive insect pest of cycads (2005-present) (http://www.cycadsg.org/pages/CAS.htm)

  • Cycad Biologist, Montgomery Botanical Center, Coral Gables, FL (2003-2006)

  • The Cycad Society, Inc.: Director (2001-present); Webmaster (2001-present); Secretary (2001-2007); Vice President (2005-2007); President (2007-2011) (http://www.cycad.org)

  • Palm & Cycad Societies of Florida: Cofounder (1998); Editor/Webmaster (1998-present); Corresponding Secretary (1998-2001); President (2001-2002) (http://www.plantapalm.com)


  • Panama 2007 Cycad Expedition (2007): $3,000 – private donor

  • Population and habitat viability assessment workshop, South Africa (2006): $3,500 – private donor

  • Cycas micronesica ex-situ germplasm collection (2005): $5,000  – Association of Zoological Horticulture

  • Panama 2005 and Costa Rica 2006 Cycad Expeditions (2005): $9,000 – private donor

  • Florida 2005 Cycad Expedition (2005): $4,000 – private donor

  • Cycad Savannah Test Plot Experiment (2004): $10,000 – Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust

  • Panama 2004 Cycad Expedition (2004): $5,000 – private donor


Refereed Publications

Bonta, M., O. Flores Pinot, D. Graham, J. Haynes & G. Sandoval. 2006. Ethnobotany and conservation of tiusinte (Dioon mejiae Standl. & L.O. Williams, Zamiaceae) in northeastern Honduras. Journal of Ethnobiology 26:228-257.

Haynes, J.L. 2007. Overview of the cycad flora of Honduras. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cycad Biology, Xalapa, Mexico, January 2005. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 97:444-453.

Haynes, J.L. & M.A. Bonta. 2007. An emended description of Dioon mejiae Standl. & L.O. Williams (Zamiaceae). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cycad Biology, Xalapa, Mexico, January 2005. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 97:418-443.

Haynes, J.L. & T.E. Marler. In press. Conservation through propagation: A novel approach to conserving cycads, with recommendations for two endemic species in India. Current Science.

Haynes, J.L., L.M. Whitelock, B. Schutzman & R.S. Adams. 2008. A new endemic Ceratozamia from Honduras (Cycadales: Zamiaceae). Cycad Newsletter 31(2/3):16-21.

Schutzman, B., R.S. Adams, J.L. Haynes & L.M. Whitelock. 2008. A new endemic Zamia from Honduras (Cycadales: Zamiaceae). Cycad Newsletter 31(2/3):22-26.

Taylor, A.S., J.L. Haynes, G. Holzman. 2008. Taxonomical, nomenclatural, and biogeographical revelations in the Zamia skinneri species complex (Cycadales: Zamiaceae) of Central America. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 158:399-429.
(Click here to read what people are saying about this paper.)

Taylor, A.S., J.L. Haynes, G. Holzman & J. Mendieta. 2007. Variability and structure of natural populations and implications for Zamia species in western Panama. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cycad Biology, Xalapa, Mexico, January 2005. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 97:557-577.

Non-refereed Publications

Gregory, T., J. Haynes & J. Chemnick. 2008. Key to the species of Dioon. Cycad Newsletter 31(4):16-17.

Haynes, J. 2001. Cycads in the South Florida Landscape. University of Florida/Miami-Dade County Extension.

Haynes, J. 2002. Year of the golden cycads. Cycad Newsletter 25(4):10-12.

Haynes, J. 2003a. Cultivation and phenology of Cycas panzhihuaensis in South Florida. Cycad Newsletter 26(4):12.

Haynes, J. 2003b. Phenology of Ceratozamia hildae in South Florida. Cycad Newsletter 26(2):11.

Haynes, J. 2004a. Phenology of Bowenia in South Florida. Cycad Newsletter 27(4):12.

Haynes, J. 2004b. Phenology of Encephalartos ferox in South Florida. Cycad Newsletter 27(3):10.

Haynes, J. 2004c. Phenology of Lepidozamia peroffskyana in South Florida. Cycad Newsletter 27(1):12.

Haynes, J. 2004d. Phenology of Zamia splendens in South Florida. Cycad Newsletter 27(2):11.

Haynes, J. 2005a. Biogeographic and phylogenetic parallels in Dioon and Ceratozamia. Cycad Newsletter 28(2): 8-9.

Haynes, J. 2005b. In the company of giants: One botanist’s humbling encounters with ancient dioons. Cycad Newsletter 28(1):6-9.

Haynes, J. 2005c. Cycad aulacaspis scale: A global perspective. Cycad Newsletter 28(5):3-6.

Haynes, J. 2006a. Phenology of Ceratozamia kuesteriana in South Florida. Cycad Newsletter 29(2/3):13.

Haynes, J. 2006b. Cycad Specialist Group announces website. Cycad Newsletter 29(2/3):18.

Haynes, J. 2006c. Cycas micronesica now considered endangered. Cycad Newsletter 29(2/3):18.

Haynes, J. 2007. A taxonomic and bibliographic history of Microcycas calocoma (Miq.) A.DC. Cycad Newsletter 30(4):18-19.

Haynes, J. 2008. Encephalartos horridus in south Florida. Cycad Newsletter 31(1):9.

Haynes, J. 2009a. Encephalartos kanga Pocs & Q. Luke – A newly described 'red cone cycad' from Tanzania. Cycad Newsletter 32(1):6-14.

Haynes, J. 2009b. Taxonomic history, conservation status & morphologic affinities of Encephalartos kisambo Faden & Beentje. Cycad Newsletter 32(1):15-17.

Haynes, J. 2009c. Taxonomic and nomenclatural history of the Zamia skinneri complex. Cycad Newsletter 32(2/3).

Haynes, J. 2009d. Taxonomic and nomenclatural history, etymology, vernacular names, distribution, and conservation status of Lepidozamia hopei (W. Hill) Regel. Cycad Newsletter 32(4):10-11.

Haynes, J.L. 2009e. Expanded Glossary of Cycad Terms. The Cycad Society, Inc.

Haynes, J.L. 2009f. Etymological Compendium of Cycad Names. The Cycad Society, Inc.

Haynes, J.L. 2009g. World List of Cycads: A Historical Review. IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group. 37 pp.

Haynes, J. 2010a. “HP” vs. “OP”: Definitions and significance. Cycad Newsletter 33(1):6-7.

Haynes, J. 2010b. Taxonomic history, morphologic and phylogenetic affinities, habitat, and conservation status of Encephalartos sclavoi A. Moretti, D.W. Stev. & De Luca. Cycad Newsletter 33(2):10-16.

Haynes, J., B. Bohnsack & C. Wiese. 2006. Novel leaf production and development in Macrozamia communis. Cycad Newsletter 29(2/3):7-8.

Haynes, J. & M. Bonta. 2003. Montgomery Botanical Center Honduras 2003 Cycad Expedition Final Report. Unpublished report submitted to AFE-COHDEFOR, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 160 pp. (English & Spanish).

Haynes, J. & T. Marler. 2005. Exotic invasive pest insect critically threatening Guam’s vulnerable flora, fauna and island ecosystem. Unpublished.

Haynes, J. & J. McLaughlin. 2000. Edible Palms and Their Uses. UF/Miami-Dade Extension Fact Sheet MDCE-00-50-1.

Haynes, J. & W. Tang. 2005. Pest Alert: Cycad Aulacaspis Scale. Cycad Newsletter 28(3/4):17.

Holzman, G. & J. Haynes. 2004. Cycads of the sand: The beach-dwelling zamias of Bocas del Toro, Panama. Cycad Newsletter 27(4):3-6.

Holzman, G. & J. Haynes. 2006. Grant awarded to University of Panama professor. Cycad Newsletter 29(2/3):19.

Holzman, G. & J. Haynes. 2010. Variability within cycad species. Cycad Newsletter 33(2):3-5.

Hsieh, E. & J. Haynes. 2007. King sago (Cycas revoluta) production in Taiwan, with comments on Cycad Aulacaspis Scale and the endemic C. taitungensis. Cycad Newsletter 30(3):11-13.

Tang, W. & J. Haynes. 2005. IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group – Subgroup on Invasive Pests Report & Recommendations on Cycad Aulacaspis Scale, Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi (Hemiptera: Diaspididae). IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group, August 2005. 13 pp.

Invited Presentations

Taxonomic, Nomenclatural & Biogeographic Revelations in the Zamia skinneri Complex of Central America (Cycadales: Zamiaceae) First Annual Plant ID Party, Deerfield Beach Arboretum, Deerfield Beach, FL (May 2009) & The Cycad Society's Cycad Day 2009, Wallace Desert Gardens, Scottsdale, AZ (April 2009)

The Plicate-leaved Zamias of Central America. Inaugural Cycad Conference, Fairview River Lodge, Tzaneen, Limpopo Province, South Africa (December 2006)

Cycad Aulacaspis Scale: Invasive Pest with Extinction Potential! Invited session organizer. 5th National Integrated Pest Management Symposium, St. Louis, MO (March 2006)

Contributed Presentations

The Plicate-leaved Zamias of Panama. 8th International Conference on Cycad Biology, Panama City, Panama (January 2008)

Cycad Flora of Honduras. 7th International Conference on Cycad Biology, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico (January 2005)

Redescription of Dioon mejiae: Toward a Taxonomic Description Standard. 7th International Conference on Cycad Biology, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico (January 2005)

Jurassic Park Place: Dramatic, Non-Traditional & Innovative Uses for an Ancient & Unique Plant Group (Cycads). University of Florida / Miami-Dade County Extension (2002)

Cycads for South Florida. University of Florida / Miami-Dade County Extension (2001)


Key to the Species of Ceratozamia. 8th International Conference on Cycad Biology, Panama City, Panama (January 2008); coauthored with J. Chemnick, T. Gregory, M.A. Perez-Ferrára & L. Whitelock

Key to the Species of Dioon. 7th International Conference on Cycad Biology, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico (January 2005); coauthored with T. Gregory & J. Chemnick

Educational Websites



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